
Deaton Investment Real Estate & The Wake County Apartment Association

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Federal Government Considering Real Estate Dispositions to Cut Spending

Through an aggressive push in Washington, DC, to cut costs and improve operational efficiencies, the federal government's listings of properties for sale could balloon from less than a hundred or so to include potentially thousands of properties - and also, reduce the government's reliance on leased space. Read the rest of the article.

One highlight from the article:

"Last week, the House subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings & Emergency Management approved a bill (the Civilian Property Realignment Act) that calls for setting up a commission to identify real estate properties that would be put out for sale. Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CA), chairman of subcommittee, sponsored the bill with the full backing of the President, who has directed federal agencies to accelerate efforts to eliminate unneeded properties, setting a goal of saving $3 billion by the end of 2012."

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