
Deaton Investment Real Estate & The Wake County Apartment Association

Friday, October 28, 2011

WCAA - Next Meeting 12/1/11

There will be no meeting of the Wake County Apartment Association in November. Perkins Restaurant has closed, but fortunately we were able to reserve the private meeting room at the Golden Corral on Glenwood Avenue for December 1st. I am excited we have a chance to move back to this location.

The manager was reluctant to reserve the room for us into 2012, but agreed to give our group a "trial run." We need to have a large group and everyone in attendance must eat. exchange for the room reservation we need to show that our group brings a lot of paying customers so they will welcome us back.

I hope that most of you will go ahead and put 12/1 from 6 PM - 8 PM on your calendar. Details for the meeting will come in a few weeks.

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